Monday, April 6, 2015

From DNA to Protein: The Central Dogma

As we are aware, DNA is found in protein, but how does it get there? After all, DNA is located in the nucleus of all cells, and ribosome build protein. In order to cross the nucleus membrane in order for protein to be made, there has to be a step in-between that will transfer the DNA code to the ribosome, but what is that step? The answer lies in the process of the central dogma, and the material RNA. RNA, as you can predict, is very similar to DNA. Instead of having dioxyribose material, like in DNA, RNA contains ribose. As we will learn, RNA will be the key component to the central dogma, allowing protein to be successfully made. For now, we are going to define a few terms related to this process. To view the vocabulary, please click here.

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