Wednesday, April 8, 2015

DNA Extraction Lab

As we learn more about DNA, it is great to apply the concepts we learn so that we can gain an even deeper understanding. In this post, I am going to describe a lab we did in class in which we extracted DNA from wheat germ. In order to do this, our instructor had us work in groups so that we could collaborate our knowledge.

To begin the lab, we measured out 1 gram of raw wheat germ. This germ was then placed in a 50 ml test tube where it was mixed with 20 ml of hot tap water for 3 minutes. After being stirred, 1/4 teaspoon of detergent was added to the mixture. This was again stirred. 5 minutes after adding the detergent, we added 14 ml of alcohol. This was done very carefully so that the alcohol would not mix with the germ mixture. This was necessary in the extraction process, as DNA precipitates at the water-alcohol interface. The image below shows this step being done.

After doing this, the test tube had to sit for a few minutes so that the DNA could precipitate. After a short wait, we collected the DNA by using a wooden stick.

Overall, this was a really fun lab that expanded my knowledge of DNA.

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