Monday, January 12, 2015

Green Human Project

To: Applied Molecular Evolution, Inc.

Re: Request for Proposals for The Green Human Project: Building a Photosynthetic Human
Date: January 7, 2015

Project Objective: 
This project seeks to construct a list of design modifications to human anatomy and physiology that would allow humans to carry out photosynthesis. This will lead to the conversion of solar energy into glucose or other energy-rich molecules.

Project Rationale:
Due to the increase in human population, the ratio of humans to food has severely decreased, causing nutrition deficiencies. As a solution to this problem, Applied Molecular Evolution, Inc. has proposed the idea of a "green human". This means a person would be able to photosynthesize and produce their own food.

Project Design: 
In order to produce a self-depending human, one must understand the process of photosynthesis and how plants are able to be independently fed. First, let's imagine the differences. Plants have blocky, strong cells while animal cells are round and offer less support. Plants also have chlorophyll and chloroplast. Plants then profuse large amounts of glucose, too much for a human to handle on a large, body-size scale. So how could a "green human" be possible? A person would need to switch structure from a heterotroph to an autotroph. This idea has become very popular in pop culture and fictional stories. One such story is "The Gardener" by S.A. Bodeen. This story explores the concept of autotrophs that live in a remote greenhouse, feeding from the sun and pumping extra nutrients into their bodies through a hose system. The extra glucose and other substances are pumped out through a separate vacuum system. This concept would actually be pretty easy to replicate, though being able to alter the entire cell structure of a human being would prove rather difficult. The cell structure would need to be strengthened, and new parts of the cell would need to be created. Chlorophyll and chloroplast would also need to be added to the human system. The chlorophyll would alter the skin color, causing the human to appear green. More metabolic enzymes would need to be added to break down the excess food that could not be stored.

Project Effects:
This project will affect the global population, and it is evident not everyone will comply. People will run into ethical concern, preventing the project from meeting all of its goals. The project will, however, reach the goal of mediating consumption of food on a large scale.

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