Sunday, September 21, 2014

Macromolecules and Carbohydrates

This post will discuss some of the macromoleculs that build your body, and carbohydrates in particular. To learn about these topics, I researched several sites, investigating what roles they played in the functions of the human body.

What is a macromolecule?
Small organic molecules, or monomers, join together to form much larger molecules known as macromolecules. Below is an example of an aluminum trichloride macromolecule.

What is a monomer?
Monomers are small organic molecules that join together. Below is an example of an aluminum trichloride monomer.

What is a polymer?
Polymers are large molecules composed of monomers. Below is an example of an aluminum trichloride polymer.

What are the four main types of macromolecules?
Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids

What are the types of reactions that macromolecules are shown to undergo?
Macromolecules are shown to undergo dehydration and hydrolysis

How are monomers joined together?
Monomers are joined together when water is removed from molecules through a dehydration reaction. 

How are polymers broken down?
Polymers are broken down when water is added to molecules through hydrolysis.

Why is sugar stored as glycogen in the human body?
The liver tries to maintain blood sugar levels by absorbing and releasing sugar, or storing it as glycogen. The liver can produce sugar from amino acids if ingested foods do not supply enough sugar.

Why are plant foods essential to animal life?
The bulk of human diets are made up of plant foods, and are essential to animal life.

How is starch digested by animals?
Animals digest starches by releasing energy as the energy-supplying molecules are dismantled by oxidation.

What is “fiber” and why is it important in your diet?
Fiber can not be digested or absorbed. It is important because it causes “bulk” which aids stool and harmful carcinogens in passing through the digestive system.

What causes you to pass gas (fart)?

Passing gas, or “farting” is caused due to volatile substances produced by the putrefaction of undigested protein.

What are some disadvantages of a low-carb diet?
Low carb diets often cause people to avoid some of the most beneficial foods in a diet, such as fruits, vegetables, and fibers.These foods are essential for a proper diet, and avoiding them can cause illness. Carbohydrates in proper doses are beneficial, removing them can cause the opposite effect than what is trying to be gained.

What role do sugars play in cavity formation in your teeth?

Depending on the amount of sugar consumed and the balance of harmful bacteria in your mouth, consumption of sugar can cause “fuel boosts” for acid forming bacteria. The acid that forms then begins to break down your teeth, and causes cavities.

The resources used for this activity are listed below:

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