Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Photosynthesis Dry Lab

For this post, my classmates and I were given background information and observations from a photosynthesis lab, and asked to describe and conclude the lab based solely on the information we were given. We were not given any testing materials or outside resources to complete this project. The information found below is the result of this process. 

Purpose: The purpose for this experiment was to discover the connection between respiration and photosynthesis. Bromothymol was used to test the carbon dioxide concentration within the test subjects.

Background Facts:
  • Carbon dioxide in water produces carbonic acid.
  • Bromothymol Blue (BTB) is a blue-green liquid which changes to a yellow color in acid and back to blue-green when returned to a neutral pH.
  • Carbon dioxide plus water yields sugar and oxygen when chlorophyll and sunlight are present.
  • Animals respire.
  • Green plants photosynthesize in the light and respire all the time.
  • Sugar plus oxygen yields carbon dioxide plus water and energy.

Materials: This lab required access to test tubes, snails, Elodea plants, light sources, dark places, pond water, and BTB.

Procedure: To fulfill the purpose of this experiment and test for results, each material was tested with BTB, often in combinations. The pond water was tested without any other subjects, then alone with an aquarium snail, Elodea, and finally, an aquarium snail and Elodea plant together.
  1. Water plus bromothymol blue is blue-green.
  2. Water plus bromothymol blue plus an aquarium snail turns yellow.
  3. Water plus bromothymol blue plus Elodea (an aquarium plant) is blue-green in light.
  4. Water plus bromothymol blue plus a snail plus Elodea is blue-green in light and yellow when left in the dark for three hours.

Analysis and Conclusions:
  1. Water plus bromothymol blue is blue-green because there is no carbonic acid in the water, keeping the BTB at a neutral pH.
  1. Water plus bromothymol blue plus an aquarium snail turns yellow because the snail respires carbon dioxide, forming carbonic acid. The BTB detects this and reacts, altering its pH level.
  1. Water plus bromothymol blue plus Elodea (an aquarium plant) is blue-green in light because if any carbonic acid existed in the water, the plant used the carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. This caused the pH of the BTB to remain neutral.
  1. A mixture of water, bromothymol blue, a snail, and Elodea produce a is blue-green BTB color in light and a yellow BTB color when left in the dark for three hours because the Elodea halts the photosynthesis process when it is taken away from a light source. The plant does not require carbon dioxide while it is idle, thus causing a build up of carbonic acid content in the water. Due to the fact that the snail continued to produce carbon dioxide though the plant was not consuming it, the carbon dioxide was detected by the BTB.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Pick Your Poison: Belladonna

What is belladonna and what effects does it have on the human body? This post is going to explain all of the basic principles of this poison, including its origins and history.

The poison can be found in the Belladonna plant, characterized with green leaves, purple bell-like flowers, and glossy black berries. There is enough poison in one leaf to be lethal, equivalent to ten berries of the same plant. The name Belladonna is derived from the Italian word meaning "beautiful woman."  During the middle ages, women used the poison for cosmetic purposes, dilating their eyes and adding color to their cheeks. The poison from the leaves has often in the past been used to poison the tips of arrows. This poison was also a favorite among assassins and authors of fictional mystery stories. Currently, Belladonna is used as a sedative for bronchial spasms and a remedy for Parkinson's disease, colic, and motion sickness, though it has been considered ineffective for all previously stated purposes.  The plant can be found in North America, Europe, and Western Asia.

What happens if Belladonna is ingested in lethal amounts? Belladonna targets the nervous system, using chemicals to prevent the system from operating correctly. Symptoms of Belladonna poisoning include dry mouth, enlarged pupils, blurred vision, red dry skin, fever, quickened heartbeat, inability to sweat or urinate, hallucinations, spasms, mental problems, convulsions, comas, and death. Two of the key toxins in this deadly plant are scopolamine and hyoscyamine. An alkaloid found in Belladonna works to jam the muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, preventing the brain from signaling correctly to the rest of the body, namely the nervous system. If known ingestion has occurred, the best remedies lie in acting quickly to flush the system before the poison has a chance to take effect. This can be accomplished by using emetics and stomach pumps. This is often followed by a dose of magnesia, stimulants, and strong coffee. 

Other common names for Belladonna:
Deadly Nightshade
Atropa Belladonna
Naughty Man's Cherries
Beautiful Death

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

                    In this post, I am going to discuss the genetic disease Phenylketonuria (PKU). 

PKU occurs when a genetic mutation is inherited, disrupting the function of the PAH metabolic enzyme. In a functional PAH enzyme, it catalyzes the phenylalanine amino acid into another amino acid: tyrosine. With a defective PAH enzyme, the reaction needed to break down phenylalanine and produce tyrosine does not occur.

Due to the build up and excess amounts of phenylalanine, multiple symptoms can occur, such as epilepsy, brain retardation, and a musty smell to the skin can occur. It is also possible for a child to have a head size below average expectation as a symptom of PKU. As a result of lack of tyrosine, the most identifiable symptoms lie in appearance. These symptoms include lighter qualities in skin and hair, and often cause eyes to be blue.

PKU is not a very common disorder, only about 1 in every 15,000 infants are diagnosed with the disease. Though the odds are not in the favor of a to be child to be born with PKU, it is very important that it be identified at an early age. In fact, the common procedure in the United States requires babies to be tested for the disorder immediately after they are born. The reason behind the urgency of testing is an attempt to prevent the build up of phenylalanine and provide treatment for the patient. Treatment is obtained through a low protein diet and the avoidance of eggs, meat, and dairy. Below are a few examples of how PKU patients organize foods into an acceptable dietary plan. The goal is to "hit the bull's eye" and consume phenyl-free foods.

For more information on PKU, please visit:


Monday, December 8, 2014

Parts of The Animal Cell

This post shows the different components to an animal cell while giving a description of the function of each part.

Microscopy Lab

In this lab, I tested my abilities to operate a microscope. The pictures attached below were taken during the lab, showing what images were seen at the 40x, 100x, and 400x magnifications. Infected pork was tested for this lab.




Thursday, November 13, 2014

Understanding Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that primarily affects the respiratory and digestive systems. The life-threatening disease is caused when a defective gene and its protein product cause the body to produce  unusually thick and sticky mucus that can clog the lungs and obstruct the pancreas.

Symptoms of cystic fibrosis (CF) can include very salty-tasting skin, persistent coughing, frequent lung infection, wheezing, shortness of breath, poor growth, gradual weight gain (despite a healthy diet), and frequently greasy, bulky, or difficult stools. There is an estimated 30,000 children and adults diagnosed with CF in the US, 70,000 world wide. Testing for cystic fibrosis can be handled in several ways, including sweat tests, newborn screening, and carrier testing. Positive results on these tests could lead to a diagnosis for CF.

Cystic fibrosis is passed down genetically when a child inherits one copy of the defective gene from each parent. CF is a recessive gene, which means that a person must have both copies of the mutated gene in order to be affected by cystic fibrosis.

In a non-defective gene, the protein acts as a gateway, allowing ions to bring water to the surface of the airway. This keeps the mucus moist. In CF patients, the vital chloride channel is blocked, preventing the movement of chloride ions into the mucus.

This then halts the movement of water, causing the mucus to dry out. The mucus builds and begins to clog the lungs and obstruct the pancreas.

While there is no known cure for cystic fibrosis, there are several options for treatments that will reduce the symptoms and their effects. There are several medication options for CF treatment, including antibiotics, mucus-thinning drugs, bronchodilators, and oral pancreatic enzymes. Other treatment options include chest physical therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, and surgical or other procedures.

When a child or loved one is diagnosed with CF, it is very important to care for them and offer full support. There are several ways to bring aid to a CF patient, including encouraging better nutrition, heightened fluid intake, updated immunizations, exercise, and hand washing. It is also vital to illuminate smoke from the patient's surroundings, as it will only irritate the respiratory tract and increase the issue. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Osmosis Lab Report

A lab partner and I created this experiment in an attempt to model osmosis, the traveling of molecules of a solvent across a semipermeable membrane in an attempt to equalize the concentrations on both sides of the membrane.

To model the process of osmosis, we set up several beakers that contained water, dialysis tubing, and a salt solution. Each was modeled differently, depending on where the salt was located. Each beaker is detailed below:

Beaker A: Dialysis tubing filled with water sealed inside, tinted with food coloring, surrounded by a salt solution.
Beaker B: Dialysis tubing filled with a salt solution sealed inside, surrounded by water, tinted with food coloring.
Beaker C: Dialysis tubing filled with solid salt sealed inside, surrounded by water.
Beaker D: Dialysis tubing filled with carbon dioxide sealed inside, surrounded by water.

Before placing the dialysis tubing in the beakers, we measured the mass of each tube after they had been filled with their solutions/contents. 24 hours later, we measured again so that we could track the movement of the water.

It can be concluded that the water diffused to areas of higher concentrations, such as the ones that contained high amounts of salt.


The graph organizes the results from the experiment, proving the water traveled from areas of lower concentration to areas of higher concentration. Based on the contents of the beaker and dialysis tubing, the ending mass of the tubing varied in proportion to the movement of the water.

In a similar experiment conducted using potatoes instead of dialysis tubing, the same general results were found. The same general results were also found when using eggs instead of potatoes or dialysis tubing. When experimental results were explored during a class session, it could be concluded that all experiments yielded similar results.

Reflecting on this experiment, I am very satisfied with the results. Throughout the process, I was able to understand the reasoning behind the results and predict what would happen. I believe the experiment could be improved by trying to reverse the experiment. Would placing the dialysis tubing (after the first 24 hour testing period) into new beakers with different concentrations reverse the original direction of the water? It would be interesting to try to control the flow of the water through several different tests.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Diffusion Lab Report

The goal of this experiment was to model how a cell membrane functions. This includes what types of substances are able to pass through the membrane, and how the membrane passes them through to the inside of the cell.

For this experiment, dialysis tubing was used to model a cell membrane. The tubing was filled with a glucose and starch solution, then tied at each end. The mixture was used to model the inside of the cell. The "cell" was then placed in a beaker that was filled with a iodine/water mixture. After 24 hours,  the solutions in the beaker and dialysis tubing were tested for the presence of glucose and starch. The presence of glucose will be tested using indicator strips; the presence of starch will be tested based off of the chemical reaction indicators between the starch and iodine. Starch forms a blueish black complex with iodine whereas glucose does not react.

Based off of the results from the procedure, it can be determined that the starch remained inside the dialysis tubing, and the iodine diffused into the dialysis tubing. While some glucose diffused into the beaker, the inside the tubing also tested positive for containing traces of glucose. The water diffused into the tubing until it could not contain any more. The results of the experiment proved that molecules move from regions of higher concentration to lower concentration during diffusion. 

The following table displays the results drawn from the experiment that support the previous claim.

"+" represents a positive test, "-" represents a negative test

Solution Color
                                  Initial Contents                  Initial            Final           Initial        Final
     Bag          15% glucose, 1% starch         milky white         black             +             +  
    Beaker           H2O+IKI                         yellow/brown       yellowish       -              +

It can be concluded from the evidence in the chart that the glucose diffused into the beaker and the iodine diffused into the dialysis tube.

When compared to results drawn from similar experiments, online information resources, and notes taken during class lectures, it can be confirmed that molecules move from regions of higher concentration during diffusion.

Reflecting on this experiment, the ideas and data constantly supported the results. I believe it could be improved by tracking the motion of the water to observe if it diffused.


Glucose strip before the experiment

Glucose strip after experiment

Dialysis tubing with starch and glucose before the experiment

Dialysis tubing with starch and iodine after the experiment

Monday, October 27, 2014

Fluid Mosaic Membrane Model Quiz Questions

1) What part of the phospholipid is on the outer face?
2) What is the difference between peripheral proteins and integral intristic proteins?
3) What is the purpose of the glycoproteins?
4) The part of the phospholipid that is hydrophobic is known as the what of the phospholipid?
5) What is the purpose of cholesterol in a fluid mosaic membrane?

1) The hydrophilic.
2) Intristic proteins are bound within the plasma membrane of the cell. Peripheral proteins do not     penetrate the membrane.
3) Glycoproteins help with hormone function by binding them to the protein receptor molecule.
4) The tail.
5)  Cholesterol strengthens the membrane and helps it remain fluid.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fluid Mosaic Membrane Model

This post focuses on the components to a fluid mosaic membrane. To demonstrate this, a group of people, including myself, created a poster that detailed these components.

What are biological membranes? Biological membranes are sheet-like structures that are composed of lipids and proteins. The lipids and proteins move with a fluidity throughout the membrane. A fluid mosaic model captures both the fluidity of the membrane and the mosaic arrangement of the proteins and lipids within the membrane structure. The poster pictured above has the components of the membrane labeled. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Collagen Web Quest

The goal of this post is to accurately portray the concepts of collagen, one of the most important structural proteins found in your body.

Part 1.

1. Describe the primary structure of collagen. What are the major amino acid components in collagen?
Collagen is a protein made up of amino-acids: glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and arginine. The primary structure of a protein is its linear sequence of amino acids and the location of any disulfide (-S-S-) bridges.

2. What role does vitamin C play in collagen formation? What happens when a person does not get enough vitamin C in his or her diet?
Vitamin C adds hydrogen and oxygen to amino acids, so that they may do their part in collagen production. If a person doesn’t receive the proper amount of vitamin C in their diet, collagen production will slow.

3. Describe the quaternary structure of collagen.
Three polypeptide chains are wound together in a braid-like fashion, linked when a glycine fits into the helix. The other “gaps” are filled with proline and hydroxyproline, forming a triple helix.

Part 2.

1. What is the main symptom of osteogenesis imperfecta?  What are some other symptoms that people with OI may have?
The most common symptom of OI is the fracturing of bone easily. In addition to fractures, symptoms also include muscle weakness, hearing loss, brittle teeth, and short stature.
2. Type I osteogenesis imperfecta causes fewer problems than the other forms. How does the collagen structure in Type I OI differ from that of the other types?            The collagen structure found in type 1 osteogenesis imperfecta is normal, while the structure of collagen in other forms of OI is improperly formed.
3. Describe the role of collagen in bones. Why do collagen problems lead to bone problems?
Collagen help make the structure of bones, forming the “rods” that add strength. People with OI have weaker bones from improper formation or lack of collagen present in their bodies.


Monday, September 29, 2014

Carbohydrate Identification

The goal of this activity was to determine how to differentiate the types of saccharides based on how they reacted in iodine and Benedict's solutions.

Mono, Di, and Poly saccharides were tested for reactions in iodine and Benidict's solutions. Several sugar samples were then tested for reactions in the same solutions. The type of saccharide was determined based on the samples' reactions when mixed with the two solutions compared to the reactions of the pure saccharides when mixed with the solutions. If there was a reaction between the saccharide and the iodine, the reaction occurred immediately. The Benedict's solution needed to be heated with the saccharide before a reaction could occur.

Based off of the evidence produced during the procedure, it can be determined that if a saccharide reacts to the Benidict's solution and not the iodine solution, it can be positively identified as a monosaccharide. If a saccharide reacts to the iodine solution and not the Benedict's solution, it can be positively identified as a polysaccharide. If a saccharide does not react to either solution, it can be positively identified as a disaccharide. Each type of saccharide could be identified based off of their reactions in the two solutions.

The claims of this experiment can be proven with the evidence gained throughout the procedure. The tables below display the evidence gathered from the experiment. (+) indicates a reaction while (-) indicates no visible change.

      Sample        Benedict's            Iodine
Monosaccharide                     +                                    -
      Disaccharide                           -                                     -    
 Polysaccaride                          -                                    +

           Sample        Benedict's            Iodine
      Powerade                          +                                    -    
Corn Starch                        -                                    +
Niagara Spray Starch         -                                    +
Kix Cereal                          -                                    +
Galactose                           +                                    -
 When compared to other groups' findings, nutrition facts, information gathered in class, and web sources, it is clear that similar conclusions were, or could be drawn from this experiment.

Through this experiment, ideas have remained consistent throughout the discovery of new findings. Though new questions were rasied throughout the scientific process, each could be traced back to the original hypothesis that the saccharides could be successfully differentiated based on the chemical reactions visualized when mixed with each solution. Improvement in the experiment could include the testing of known poly, di, and mono saccharides to prove their saccharide content.

Lab Analysis Questions:
Further explanations on this lab topic can be found at this address:

Pictures from the Experiment:
These pictures were taken directly from the experiment without other sources.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Macromolecules and Carbohydrates

This post will discuss some of the macromoleculs that build your body, and carbohydrates in particular. To learn about these topics, I researched several sites, investigating what roles they played in the functions of the human body.

What is a macromolecule?
Small organic molecules, or monomers, join together to form much larger molecules known as macromolecules. Below is an example of an aluminum trichloride macromolecule.

What is a monomer?
Monomers are small organic molecules that join together. Below is an example of an aluminum trichloride monomer.

What is a polymer?
Polymers are large molecules composed of monomers. Below is an example of an aluminum trichloride polymer.

What are the four main types of macromolecules?
Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids

What are the types of reactions that macromolecules are shown to undergo?
Macromolecules are shown to undergo dehydration and hydrolysis

How are monomers joined together?
Monomers are joined together when water is removed from molecules through a dehydration reaction. 

How are polymers broken down?
Polymers are broken down when water is added to molecules through hydrolysis.

Why is sugar stored as glycogen in the human body?
The liver tries to maintain blood sugar levels by absorbing and releasing sugar, or storing it as glycogen. The liver can produce sugar from amino acids if ingested foods do not supply enough sugar.

Why are plant foods essential to animal life?
The bulk of human diets are made up of plant foods, and are essential to animal life.

How is starch digested by animals?
Animals digest starches by releasing energy as the energy-supplying molecules are dismantled by oxidation.

What is “fiber” and why is it important in your diet?
Fiber can not be digested or absorbed. It is important because it causes “bulk” which aids stool and harmful carcinogens in passing through the digestive system.

What causes you to pass gas (fart)?

Passing gas, or “farting” is caused due to volatile substances produced by the putrefaction of undigested protein.

What are some disadvantages of a low-carb diet?
Low carb diets often cause people to avoid some of the most beneficial foods in a diet, such as fruits, vegetables, and fibers.These foods are essential for a proper diet, and avoiding them can cause illness. Carbohydrates in proper doses are beneficial, removing them can cause the opposite effect than what is trying to be gained.

What role do sugars play in cavity formation in your teeth?

Depending on the amount of sugar consumed and the balance of harmful bacteria in your mouth, consumption of sugar can cause “fuel boosts” for acid forming bacteria. The acid that forms then begins to break down your teeth, and causes cavities.

The resources used for this activity are listed below:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How to Balance Your Acid

This post focuses on how to maintain a healthy amount of acid in your body, or neutralize an unbalanced amount of it. A group of people, including myself, tested different types of antacids to see which would be the most effective to balance a high level of stomach acid. To carry out this investigation, we organized the types of antacids into two separate categories: generic vs. name-brand. An example of a pH scale is shown below.
As you can see from the information displayed on the scale above, the higher the pH, the stronger the alkalinity, or base. The lower the pH, the stronger the acidity, or acid. When acids and bases of the same level are mixed, they become neutral, like water. 

We hypothesized that if a name brand like TUMS was as well-known and thought to be as highly effective as it was, it would preform better than a generic brand such as Equate, or another name-brand: Rolaid.

To begin the procedural part of the experiment, we poured 25mL of distilled white vinegar into four separate beakers. In this study, the vinegar represented stomach acid. We tested the pH of the vinegar as a base number, or the number to go off of while performing the experiment. We then ground up the different types of antacids using a pestle and mortar to mimic the "chewing" motion that would normally occur while being ingested.

  The varied antacids were then mixed with the vinegar, each in their own separate beakers.

We tested the pH of each mixture and recorded the results.

Through the process of interpreting data, we deduced that the name brand TUMS worked most effectively on neutralizing an acid. This was because it tested a higher pH, proving the end result was more basic than the end results of the other antacid brands.

The photos and result graph were taken and made by the people performing the experiment.  The pH scale was found from an online source. (source URL is located under the pH scale)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Water Your Properties?

Water has some really interesting properties that cause it to act much differently than other substances. These properties can include the way water expands as it freezes, coheres to itself, and adheres to other objects. To test the different properties of water, several labs were conducted.

For the first lab, a group of people, including myself, tested how many drops of water would fit on the surface of a penny. To control the size of the drops, we used a plastic water dropper. We then repeated the experiment using alcohol instead of water.  The lab results are displayed below.

   Name            Water         Alcohol
Ana               102               38
Skylar           101               48
Kalee             27                58 

During the experiment, the water formed one drop on the penny. We discovered that this occurred due  to surface tension, cohesion, and adhesion. As the water drops were placed on the penny, the drops stuck together and to the surface of the penny. The surface tension was able to keep the droplet together and not spill off the side of the penny.

What made the water cohere so well? The water was able to cohere due to the positive and negative charges found in H2O molecules. Has anyone ever told you that opposites attract? The positive and negative charges found in H2O attract,  causing the molecules to form hydrogen bonds and create a "clump". A visual example is shown below.

When we repeated this experiment with alcohol, we found that it did not cohere or adhere as well as water did. This was because alcohol molecules do not have the type of makeup that would allow them to form bonds as easily as water.

As you can see, alcohol molecules do not "pair up" as well as water. The bonds they form are much weaker than water, causing them to break easily and evaporate.

Because water coheres so well, it is able to travel through live organisms. For example, human bodies contain 60% water. We need water in order to regulate body temperature, distribute nutrients, keep mucus membranes moist, and flush waste from our system. So how does water reach every part of the human body to be able to accomplish these tasks? This occurs because of coherence and adherence. When you drink water, it enters and is absorbed into your system. It adheres to the walls of your body, while cohering to the other water molecules in your system. This forms a tight, "locked" system. The water stays together, then evaporates as you perspire. This water then needs to be replenished. Though humans can survive for weeks without food, they can only survive a few days without water.

The second lab we did worked with how water adheres to different surfaces. For this lab, we placed one large drop of water on a square section of waxed paper. We then tried to separate the drop of water using a wood toothpick.

We found that the water did not adhere well to the waxed paper and simply moved when touched by the toothpick. This proved that the cohesion of water was stronger than its adherence to the waxed paper and toothpick. 

For the last experiment, we tried to transport water from one glass beaker to another using only a piece of string.

When the water traveled along the string, it adhered well to it, using it as a path to the other beaker. The surface tension of the water was strong enough to where the water did not spill. The water also cohered to its other molecules, which allowed it to flow evenly and naturally.  

Through all of these labs, we were able to test the amazing properties of water and how these properties play into everyday life. We discovered how water coheres ad adheres, how surface tension allows it to travel without "breaking" and how hydrogen bonds connect everything together.